Black Cat Pottery

Our Itty Bitty Boxes are just that - the perfect little box for just about anything! A pair of hand-made earrings, a selection of artisanal teabags, a hand-tied fishing fly or your bestie's favorite golf tees - this is the perfect gift of a gift box. Approximately 2-1/4" square, these gems boast an integrated lid and are glazed inside and out. Each piece is painstakingly hand assembled in stoneware and glazed for your delight.
Our Itty Bitty Boxes come in two lines and over three dozen unique motif/glaze combinations, including ​botanical and zoological designs as well as holiday themes and abstract patterns. Most are food safe. All are suitable for indoor display.
I fabricate, bisque fire, glazed high-fire and finish each individual piece in my production and teaching studio, making every one a unique work of art.